

Consider previous tech earthquakes - the Wright brothers took mankind into the skies in 1903. By 1969 mankind was on the moon. In just 66 years (well within a typical lifespan), our horizons had expanded from propelling across continents to propelling towards outer space. At the current pace of AI advancement, what will happen to our horizons in the next 66 months? What happens in a world where beautiful music, awe inspiring art, perspective shifting prose and good ol' fashioned life advice can be generated with a few clever prompts and the click of a button?



Friday Reflections, Volume X
May 14, 2021
That's Big News (for moi at least). I have unlocked an intrinsic motivation; to splurge nonsense on the interwebs. That is my truth. For many years I've struggled with consistency of output. I just get bored after a little while, y'know? Once a process/format/system/website/structure is built and settled upon, I lose interest in the operational side of things.
Any Goal Will Do
May 11, 2021
You take inspiration where you can get it. For me it was television and movies. Even the evening news gave a glimmer of something different. Those folks on screen looked confident and assured. They had an apparent grasp of the world that was sorely missing at home. All total bullshit, of course. But there is much power in perception.
Friday Reflections, Volume VII
April 23, 2021
So any honesty, this week? Yes. When I think about what this damn site is, I clam up and get all confused. Clarity is reached only when I hit pen to paper, or finger to button. I had no intention of mixing up the site themes and domain name last week. But when inspiration strikes, you must act.
Friday Reflections, Volume IV
April 1, 2021
There are good days and bad days, trust me. My pleasant days result in neat writing, real reflection and logical sentences. On my very worst days I am like Jack in The Shining. A scribbled mess of anger and distress. Repeated (unrepeatable) phrases.
Zoom Out
March 31, 2021
Float above yourself and look down on a given scenario, role or location. Extract yourself from the micro-stressors that cloud your judgement. Now how do you feel? Are you learning or experiencing in a way that benefits you, two or three years from now? If so, then you'll instantly relax. If not, then you have all the info you need; move on or move out.
Turning Thirty Two
March 8, 2021
And at this point in my life, do I have any pearls of wisdom? I think I do. Seek new experiences. Trust your instincts. Take risks while you can. Fall in love. Look after yourself, both physically and mentally. Seize your opportunities. And most important of all, Never Stop Learning. That is the true nectar of life. I wonder if my Forty Two year old self would agree?