

I've unwittingly lived my adult life with the deep, sharp fear that scarred my early childhood and teenage life. I've been left exhausted by an absence of trust, a gnawing uncertainty and frankly, a toxic co-mingling of physical violence and love. This has only brought unnecessary suffering; to myself and to those that I love. I have avoided actions that would bring much joy into our world, preferring instead to exist in a cognitive 'safe mode' and emotional isolation. I have clung oh-so tightly to familiar and unhealthy patterns, partly as a rough and worn comfort blanket - but mostly because the alternative meant getting closer to others. And that fucking terrified me.



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Turning Thirty Three
March 24, 2022
There is one thing that evades me, however; proper interaction with others interested in this 'big picture' thinking. It reflects a prior reluctance on my part to share what I write, other than passively publishing on this site. That reluctance is beginning to fade (thankfully), as I reach firmer conclusions about who I am (an investing, thinky type) and what I have to offer (legible English, quirky subjects and half decent interweb skills). It explains why I have a 'contributors' page. This ain't meant to be a one man mission!
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It's Just The Sun Rising
December 31, 2021
We've reached the end of 2021, folks. As we conclude the second (and hopefully last) year of bug-related twists and turns, it feels pretty good to sit down, take a deep breath and enjoy a well earned rest. Traditionally, I'd be knee deep in a strange mix of pork pies, chocolate and beer. But 2021 hits a little differently. Y'see, this is the first time I can look back at a solid 12 months of musing. And on reflection, the back catalogue has captured an evolving state of mind during this rollercoaster of a year.
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From Theory, To Practice
September 20, 2021
The ideas are elegant. The ambition is impressive. But how exactly does Bitcoin work in practice? Well folks, that's what I've been figuring out for the past month. Armed with my understanding of the network, I embarked on a journey to become a full node operator (i.e. a validator of transactions and blocks). Admittedly, I wasn't quite sure I could pull it off. Even with all my prior research, this felt like a tricky technical challenge. And yet here I am, running a Bitcoin (and Lightning!) node with little fuss. How so?
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Global Truth, Local Value
August 27, 2021
At this point, it is worth wondering what all this research represents. We seemingly have an answer crying out for a question. To that end, there are a few good candidates. Is Bitcoin a response to monetary distortion? Government largesse, perhaps? Is Bitcoin a dry, technical update for the internet? I would contend that it does all those things. And excellently so. But there is also a more profound, universal quandary to address.
All Things Bitcoin; Under The Hood
August 10, 2021
In essence, Bitcoin is the perfect marriage between long established record-keeping systems, cryptographic genius and networked computing. Add a sprinkling of economic incentive (scarcity, mining, fees) and we have something rather tangible. But it can still take a leap of faith to imagine a bunch of ones and zeros as the basis for our financial future. For me it clicked when I (rightly or wrongly) visualised Bitcoin as a far more sophisticated version of Kazaa or LimeWire; a peer-to-peer network for payments rather than music.
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Writing To Build
June 1, 2021
If I am no longer writing to heal, then what the hell am I writing about? The answer has literally just popped into my head, travelled down my arms, exited via my fingers, and arrived onto my keyboard. It seems so obvious now. This is being filmed live, unscripted and in full technicolour, folks. I am documenting my own journey to a much better place.
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Splendid Grandeur
May 27, 2021
We really missed a trick by discarding centuries of tradition for top down planning and Starchitects. To be fair, the trauma of two world wars provided ample justification for doing so. But after a few decades of building motorways, shopping arcades and suburbia, I believe we are at an inflection point.