

Progress isn’t a straight shot to the stars; it’s a spiral—a cosmic dance that loops through growth, decay, and renewal, each turn deepening our insight and expanding our reach. From forest fires to tech busts to personal struggles, cycles and fractals reveal a universe that thrives on repetition and adaptation. By embracing this, we trade the illusion of endless ascent for a richer truth: true advancement lies in revisiting the known with fresh perspective. This view redefines success. Setbacks become stepping stones; history becomes a mentor; time becomes a partner. As we spiral deeper—through markets, innovations, and our own lives—let’s stay curious, keep dancing, and honor progress not as a destination but as a journey of ever-unfolding depth.



Cycles, Fractals, and the Long View
March 2, 2025
Progress isn’t a straight shot to the stars; it’s a spiral—a cosmic dance that loops through growth, decay, and renewal, each turn deepening our insight and expanding our reach. From forest fires to tech busts to personal struggles, cycles and fractals reveal a universe that thrives on repetition and adaptation. By embracing this, we trade the illusion of endless ascent for a richer truth: true advancement lies in revisiting the known with fresh perspective. This view redefines success. Setbacks become stepping stones; history becomes a mentor; time becomes a partner. As we spiral deeper—through markets, innovations, and our own lives—let’s stay curious, keep dancing, and honor progress not as a destination but as a journey of ever-unfolding depth.
Consciousness: The Art of Attention
November 28, 2024
Consciousness is more than what we see; it’s what we choose to look at and how we engage with it. Attention is not just a lens but also a tool for shaping the world around us. When directed deliberately, it becomes a source of power and possibility. In this way, exploring consciousness mirrors the systemic thinking central to Long Curiosity. Just as Bitcoin’s structure redefined trust, the structure of our attention redefines how we experience life. The more aware we become of what we give our focus to, the more we uncover the deeper layers of our existence. Perhaps the question is no longer what is consciousness, but what will we do with it?
The Search for Consciousness
November 22, 2024
The search for consciousness—what it is and where it comes from—challenges us to rethink what it means to be human. As science begins to validate what tradition has long taught, a new perspective emerges: we are more than physical beings. Consciousness is the bridge between the material and the divine, shaping our experiences and connecting us to the greater whole. Just as Bitcoin revealed a new way to think about trust, exploring consciousness may reveal a new way to think about existence. Whether we call it God, quantum mechanics, or the soul, the message is the same: we are all part of a vast, interconnected system, and through understanding it, we might better understand ourselves.
Truth, The Only Asset
May 14, 2023
Consider previous tech earthquakes - the Wright brothers took mankind into the skies in 1903. By 1969 mankind was on the moon. In just 66 years (well within a typical lifespan), our horizons had expanded from propelling across continents to propelling towards outer space. At the current pace of AI advancement, what will happen to our horizons in the next 66 months? What happens in a world where beautiful music, awe inspiring art, perspective shifting prose and good ol' fashioned life advice can be generated with a few clever prompts and the click of a button?
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It's all Greek to Me
August 6, 2021
Another Vervaeke inspired musing, folks. This time over four Greek words I have been introduced to, thanks to his series; Agape, Logos, Gnosis and Anagoge. The best way for me to explore these terms (or concepts even) is to relate them to my own investing and writing efforts. And before we begin, I must admit to borrowing heavily from other sources to help with the explanations (a big hat tip to Mark Mulvey and Andrew Seeney). So please bear with the heavy quoting. On that bombshell, let's roll.
1 min
Vervaeke's Meaning Masterclass
July 23, 2021
How do you perceive reality? What patterns are you picking up? Is our worldview a product of emotion or conscious, rational thinking? John Vervaeke's series, Awakening from the Meaning Crisis, seeks to answer those quandaries. It's a big beast - 50 hour long discussions covering philosophy, religion and cognitive science. But John's delivery, bombastic and subtle in equal measure, keeps you coming back for more.
All Things Bitcoin; An Introduction
July 17, 2021
First, let's give our journey a name; All Things Bitcoin sounds about right. And where will we go? I'm sure this will chop and change, but the broad direction is clear. Start with the fundamentals. Explain how this darn BTC thing works. Then gradually weave this monetary phenomenon into wider questions about business, politics, life etc. etc. I have already visited some of these themes, but now I return with a fresh perspective.