

Consider previous tech earthquakes - the Wright brothers took mankind into the skies in 1903. By 1969 mankind was on the moon. In just 66 years (well within a typical lifespan), our horizons had expanded from propelling across continents to propelling towards outer space. At the current pace of AI advancement, what will happen to our horizons in the next 66 months? What happens in a world where beautiful music, awe inspiring art, perspective shifting prose and good ol' fashioned life advice can be generated with a few clever prompts and the click of a button?



2 mins
Welcome to Nixonland
June 3, 2021
So what is his legacy? It is more significant, and more subtle, than you might think. The Watergate scandal etched his name in history. 'Nixon Goes to China' was a political masterstroke. But the key decision, one that is touched only briefly in the book, took place in 1971. In that tumultuous year Nixon decoupled the US dollar from gold.