
1 min
Consulting At Scale
April 14, 2021
11 years later, the landscape is utterly different. I can create the output of a 3-5 person team with a laptop and a Wi-Fi connection. Everything has moved to a SaaS business model. Nearly everything is automated. Lead generation. Financial reporting. Report formatting. Client liaison. It has all become part of a smooth software process.

5 min read
Real Estate is Broken
August 21, 2020
Consider the privileged position of the asset owner. With total control of a property, there is the opportunity to craft an occupant experience tailored to suit a particular user group; think maker spaces, start-up spaces, learning spacers, assisted living spaces, healthcare spaces. The list is endless. Coupled with the right mix of #proptech solutions, an owner-operator could provide the seamless, personalised and on-demand experience that we have come to expect elsewhere.