
Calling Somewhere Home

March 1, 2021
Steven McCormack
1 min

I've just moved into a new house, in a beautiful suburb of central Melbourne. And what a difference. After a few years of chopping and changing, finding myself in leaky apartments and minuscule studios, the benefits are already clear. I am benefitting from a clear mind. Previously, I viewed where you live in mechanical terms; a secure space to eat, sleep and store a few possessions. That was misguided.

Instead, I've found the true definition of a home. It is not strictly a geographical or physical term. It is a state of being. It is a calm mind. Clarity of thought. Love for those around you. It is where you can rejuvenate and be who we want to be.

And what is it about this house that permits this? Well, at a basic level it is this; a quiet street, with little traffic. Human scaled properties, no greater than 3 storeys high, and yet packed together tightly. Plenty of daylight. Access to green space. A separate room for your personality. For me, that is writing, music and reminders of prior adventures. It does not have to be a sprawling mansion.

Between me, my partner and our young pup, we have space to enjoy life. We have somewhere to call home.

Now the next challenge is to extract the office from my day.

Signing out, Steven.

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