
Friday Reflections, Volume I.

March 5, 2021
Steven McCormack

I've had a busy, manic week. In one fell swoop I am managing the transition to a new country, a new home and civilising a crazy puppy. Not to mention building my business and writing daily. Whilst also juggling a separate job to support our life here. And in those moments when you are passed from pillar to post, it is very easy to drop those tasks you really care about. It is very easy to switch off the brain and do what's expected of you. To conform.

The struggle is real, my friends. Your current strains and stresses can certainly bite hard.

Yet I accept that this is all part of the journey. One of many ups and downs. One with breakthroughs where you least expect them, and setbacks that cut very deep. From here I can continue to write daily (here or in my personal journal). From here I can push the needle, look for ways to offer my skills without relying on other income. From here I can commit to my preferred way of living. This week for example, in amongst all the madness, I still found time to update this site and continue posting. Life finds a way.

That's not to say that the current moment, at this very second, is a miserable existence. Hell no. It is merely a chapter in a wider story. It's significance will bear out over time. When and how, I do not know. I just place trust in my efforts, and see where the journey takes me.

Signing out, Steven.

PS, I've just had a flash thought about Basic Attention Tokens. Think about how revolutionary this for those of us who like writing and building online. That will form the basis of my next ramble.


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