
Friday Reflections, Volume VI

April 16, 2021
Steven McCormack
2 mins

The Cart Before The Horse

Well it's been quite a week my friends. Feel like I am getting into the swing of things with the new posting regime. It forces me to think about the world, think about myself and build in public. It keeps me accountable. And as I write more, my style of content evolves. That is a Good Thing. Up until this point I have always struggled with what topics I should be focusing on. And therein lies the problem; I was applying a label to myself before I even got started.

You see, professionally speaking, I am a Chartered Surveyor and Project Manager. I work closely with buildings. I am well familiar with the built environment. Yet my brain wanders around all sorts of strange interests and fascinations. I think that is what helps me do aright in the building game. Don't identify with the job etc. But it also led me down a creative tunnel vision for many years.

So when I started fumbling around on the internet (about a year ago or so), I immediately tried to digitise my offline self. And whilst this brought me all sorts of skills, it did not feel quite right. I became half decent at the technical stuff, like building websites, ecommerce stores, membership areas etc. But when it came to producing content I hit a brick wall.

What to do?

As ever, when I am navigating an uncharted path, I consult with my gut. I seek a free proposal for life changing decisions. And he's pretty damn good at it. You should try him. In the pursuit of digitise myself I had rediscovered all sorts of innate satisfactions. Writing being one of them, of course. But also designing. Being curious. Exploring shit just for the sake of it. It led me to create all sorts of weird and wonderful things. Like selling animal themed journals....

Writing about the interplay between real estate, the internet and communities led me to Bitcoin. That's where I realised how much I love wondering about the world. Writing about my internal machinations forced me to understand myself so much more; to separate 'myself' from 'I' (I'll explore that at a later date). And ultimately, it led me to creating this site. I am untethered from prior labels. It is where my ego is laid to rest. It is where I am reborn.

Signing out, Steven.

PS. I leave you with this. Timeless house set to Koyaanisqatsi. Feel the deliciousness.


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